Virginie Mézan de Malartic

Biography of the artist

How to evoke a painting by Virginie Mézan de Malartic if not, by the perception of a divine rustling! It is too much you will say to me! Perhaps, but... Virginie's whole universe is in the sensations that her paintings give off and the way she presents them to us.

She reveals to us a domain that we imagine but that we have never really distinguished because we have never really lived it. These paintings are the caricature of a real and yet existing world, multiple and colorful theatrical scenes made of interrogations and questionings of simple moments where solitude to a prominent and central place. These works really question us. These paintings make us dream or distress us, they do not bring any answer to the questions they ask us. Their figurative themes transport us in a world that we imagine well, but we are satisfied with its phantasmagorical universe much more reassuring than reality. Let us question ourselves, there will always be something left.

The art of Virginie Mézan de Malartic

Virginie de Malartic's characters are beings in process. Always in relation to an architectural place, emanating from a civilization that would be in suspense, she places individuals questioning their situation.

We are here in an unstable equilibrium, on the verge of a wobble that we feel is imminent. These could be ordinary scenes, but instead they are the sometimes disturbing, sometimes disturbing premises. And the most amazing thing is that we feel, as viewers, as if we are responsible for what we imagine and project when we look at these paintings: we are already anticipating what the painter has only suggested.







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